

2018-09-25   来源:本站原创  浏览次数:



American culture emerged with the English colonies in North America, which were predominated by English cultural patterns, especially in language and political institutions. But American culture has been influenced by many other cultures brought in by immigrants from all over the world.

American culture was likely to find an admired image in cowboys. Mainstream American culture glorifies hard work and accumulation of wealth. American people usually link their well-being with money which could bring them material goods as well as spiritual satisfaction. American culture values what is of practical use and opposes phrase mongering. To most Americans, work does more than put money in the pockets. It gives dignity, independence, self-esteem, and the meaning to their lives. The feeling that one should work hard and be self-reliant was very strong and remains so today.

Pursuit of freedom and equality has been the guiding principles and goal of American culture. The US Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal and they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among which are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

American culture upholds individualism and encourages people to seek self-fulfillment and rise in social and economic status.

Humanity in American culture is shown in clothing. In most cases American dress is characterized with its casualness and the emphasis is on convenience and comfort. American dress is often designed to meet the need of common people. The best known examples are blue jeans and T-shirts, which are welcomed by people of all walks of life.

American culture is unique in terms of its formation and historical background. Generally speaking, it is based on popular culture characterized by informality. That is why people say that class distinction in the United States is not as striking as in many other countries.

一、Holidays in Western Country

Christmas Day(圣诞节) is celebrated on December25. It is the greatest of the Christian festival to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Easter(复活节) is a religious holiday commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Easter weekend begins on Good Friday and ends on Easter Sunday, generally in the time from March 22 to April 25.

Thanks Giving Day (感恩节)always occurs on the fourth Thursday in November at the end of the harvest season to express thanks for the year’s harvest.

Halloween(万圣节前夕) is celebrated on October 31, shortened from All-Hallows-Eve, the night when the ghosts of the dead walk around. The day is often full of orange and black colors and some symbols such as the jack-o’-lantern. All Saints’ Day(万圣节) celebrated on November 1.

Valentine's Day(情人节)is celebrated on February 14. It is a festival for couples who are dating, engaged or married.

二、Comparison between Chinese and Western Culture

Every culture has its own values, morals, customs and traditions and they should be respected as such and not to be ridiculed just because another culture has different values and beliefs.

The major difference between Chinese culture and Western culture is that the Western society believes in individualism, whereas the Chinese culture has faith in collectivism and fundamental connections with others. Chinese put the benefit of group at the first place. Comparingly, western people spare no efforts to show off themselves.

As far as religion is concerned, Chinese beliefs are rooted in Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, all of which believe in equality of all creatures. It is through learning that man can become better. On the other hand Western religions (mainly Christianity) believe in superiority of human beings over other animals and here too people can become better if they control their sinful actions and thoughts.

Family is the backbone of Chinese culture and members live together or close by. On the other hand, family is mostly nuclear in nature in the west and people are not generally concerned with uncles and aunts whereas in China people help and support each other which is why there is greater bonding between family members. In comparison young adults in the west make lots of friends that change with time and they see their family members only on festivals and holidays.

The Chinese system of education is rigid and it suppresses creativity according to western analysts. But Chinese place great importance to education. Education is equally important in the US, and the emphasis is placed upon the liking of kids and the interest they show in particular subjects.

There are vast differences in cooking, eating habits, system of medicine, traditions and customs, greeting, meeting and showing love and affection in Chinese and Western cultures that reflect the values and belief systems of the two culture.

There is also a vast difference between the major philosophies of eastern and western life. Westerners believe in self dedication to achieve their goals of success and happiness etc, whereas the Chinese have behavioral ethics, and are dependent on their inner world and perceptions of eternal recurrence. The western approach is to search outside of oneself, whereas the Chinese prefer to adopt a systematic approach, and search within themselves. Accordingly, the Chinese advocate the golden mean to deal with conflict, while the Western culture is more aggressive.

There are so many differences between Chinese culture and Western culture. One should learn to appreciate the differences for a better understanding of cultural diversity.






